
I'm Tyler Quillen. I'm a graphic designer living in Atlanta. I have been working as a graphic designer and marketing specialist since 2016. I have a BA in New Media Arts and a minor in Technical Communication. 

The first hobby I ever picked up was drawing. From an early age, I knew I wanted to work with pencil and paper. I still begin every project, no matter how big or how small, with those tools.

I primarily create in a digital space, but I love a good print project and enjoy creating campaign assets that cover both forms. I take a data-driven approach to design and believe that every project can have a nice balance of style, substance, and purpose. I’ve designed for both B2B and B2C audiences in a wide range of industries. My areas of expertise are graphic design, digital experience design, UI/UX, building landing pages, email campaign development and creation, social media and paid ads, and visual brand development. I’ve also gotten my hands dirty with SEO from time to time. There is no aspect of the digital experience that I would turn down and I look for every opportunity to tie things back to bettering the design.